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Home » » Aki (SID) シド 明希 - FAIRY DUST Lyrics

Aki (SID) シド 明希 - FAIRY DUST Lyrics

Aki (SID) シド 明希 FAIRY DUST
Artist : Aki (SID) シド 明希
Album : EPHEMERAL (2015)

Beneath the ocean I hear the noise
It's clinging until the sun is up
You were this dress and let's see
What's happening there...

I'm up to whatever you do
You go to wherever I go...
Madness is the foundation
Of our love anyways...

Feel kind of cold...
Then we're falling down
Don't lose your shoes...
And the waves will catch your mind
Feel kind of hot then we shut it out
Heats are drying your blood up

The masks greet us so nicely
The dolls are dancing to celebrate
Tonight's the night...
And we sing the night away oh

I'm up to whatever you do
You're up to wherever I go
We will see what it is
To be dead or alive...

Feel kind of cold...
Then we're falling down
Don't lose your shoes...
And the waves will catch your mind
Feel kind of hot then we shut it out
The tides show us the way
To what's causing the wounds

Feel kind of cold...
Then we're falling down
Don't lose your shoes...
And the waves will catch your mind
Feel kind of hot then we shut it out
The tides show us the way...
To what's causing the wounds

The sun's rising up...
The light's coming up
And we turn into fairy dust
Written by: siq lyr
Song Lyrics Albums Artists | Music Info, Updated at: 8:31 PM


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